It is later discovered that Haruko is an investigator for the Galactic Space Police Brotherhood. Naota later finds Haruko working in his house as a live-in maid. Naota discovers that the blow to his head created an “N.O.” portal, from which giant robots produced by a company known as Medical Mechanica emerge periodically. His life in the city of Mabase is interrupted by the arrival of Haruko Haruhara, who runs over Naota with her yellow Vespa 180 SS scooter, gives him CPR, then hits him on the head with a blue vintage Rickenbacker 4001 left-handed electric bass guitar. Watch FLCL Season 1 English Dubbed: FLCL is a coming-of-age story and revolves around Naota Nandaba, a 12-year-old, working-class boy living with his widowed father and grandfather. She calls herself “Haruko” and her presence changes Naota’s life to even further insanity. Download Lagu Hijau Daun Suara Ku Berharap Mp3. During their first encounter, she hits him over the head with her guitar, which then causes a horn to grow out of his forehead. But to make matters worse, Naota’s world is totally turned upside down when he is run over by a woman on a Vespa. Mamimi is sending mixed signals and advances to Naota, and he doesn’t know what to do about her. SYNOPSIS: Naota is a normal Japanese 6th grade boy (although a little cynical), but when his older brother leaves for America to play baseball, his brother leaves his homeless 17 year old girlfriend Mamimi behind.